PUBG is a popular online multiplayer battle royale game that wanted to capitalize on the success of Season 9’s launch by creating a website that focused on the lore of the PUBG universe. PUBG commissioned Youville Haussmann Park to leverage it’s expertise to provide fans with a platform where they could learn about the game’s backstory and characters in an engaging way.

Delve into lore

The main challenge for Alice & Smith Studio was to create a website that could effectively engage fans and provide them with compelling lore content. The website needed to be visually appealing, user-friendly and offer relevant and engaging content that would keep fans coming back for more. PUBG also wanted to foster a sense of community through the website.

The truth is out there

We used a multi-faceted approach, collaborating with a dedicated content creation team to produce high-quality lore content, including stories, character backgrounds and in-game history. We also established an in-house production studio for multimedia content such as videos, animations and interactive elements.

The website also included features such as forums, chat rooms and social media integration to encourage fan engagement and community building. Fan events, contests and giveaways were organized to incentivize participation. PUBG also leveraged social media platforms to promote the website and engage with fans through regular updates, teasers and sneak peeks of upcoming content, creating anticipation and excitement among fans, driving traffic to the website and keeping fans engaged and informed.


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